Christmas Fun

Christmas Joke #140

Another Christmas joke. Enjoy!

When does Santa bring a toad his presents?


One FROGGY Christmas Eve

Christmas Fun

Christmas Joke #139

Another Christmas joke. Enjoy!

When does Christmas come before Halloween?


When you look them up in the dictionary

Christmas Fun

Christmas Joke #138

Another Christmas joke. Enjoy!

What’s white, red and blue at Christmas time?


A sad candy cane

Christmas Fun

Christmas Joke #137

Another Christmas joke. Enjoy!

What’s white and red and goes up and down and up and down?


Santa Claus in an elevator

Christmas Fun

Christmas Joke #136

Another Christmas joke. Enjoy!

What’s thoughtful and frozen and goes, “Drip! Drip!?


NICE – icles

Christmas Fun

Christmas Joke #135

Another Christmas joke. Enjoy!

What’s the most popular wine at Christmas?


Do I have to eat these brussell sprouts?

Christmas Fun

Christmas Joke #134

Another Christmas joke. Enjoy!

What’s the least exciting animal at the North Pole?


Polar BORE

Christmas Fun

Christmas Joke #133

Another Christmas joke. Enjoy!

What’s Santa’s favourite candy?


Jolly Ranchers

Christmas Fun

Christmas Joke #132

Another Christmas joke. Enjoy!

What’s Santa’s favorite sandwich?


Peanut Butter & JOLLY

Christmas Fun

Christmas Joke #131

Another Christmas joke. Enjoy!

What’s Santa’s favorite Chinese dish?


Stir-fried Ice and Chilly sauce