Email RSS Feeds

Check GMail account through RSS

Google is testing this out. If you login with your email address (not just your username) and your password you will be able to retrieve the first few lines of your messages.

Email Internet Stuff

E-Mail Icon Generator

Check out this little generator that creates and image with your email address and the logos of a few different web-based providers.

Mine looks like this:


Help Users Take Command of Email

From Windows .Net Magazine:

“Every organization should explain to its staffers how they’re expected to use email and how they can use the available email tools to perform their jobs more effectively. Email skills vary: An experienced lawyer with a lot of organizational and legal knowledge can still be an email novice. If Outlook is your email tool, the ‘Air Combat Commander’s Guide to Managing E-mail‘ is a good, detailed example you can use to start developing your own internal policy and training materials.”


I got a GMail account

Chris was invited to get a Google Mail (GMail) account a while ago, and today when he logged in, he was allowed to invite someone else to signup, so he sent me an invitation. I haven’t done much with it yet, but I’ll post comments if I think there is anything worth sharing.